Lecture M. Wolff-Plottegg Tuesday 4th March 2008
The  Bartlett  School  of  Architecture  /  UCL  /  University  College  London  /  22  Gordon  Street

MArch Urban Design  07-08  Lecture series

Date:                Tuesday 04.03.08

Venue:             Basement Lecture Theatre, 1-19 Torrington Place (corner of Torrington Place and Tottenham Court Road)

 11:30-17:00       Lecturer: Professor Manfred Wolff-Plottegg

 Lecture title:      "Hybrid Architecture and Hyper Functions" Series of 3 lectures.



The considerations to be presented consist of a selection of some basic thoughts / mental leaps with which Professor Wolff-Plottegg is concerned in his architectural practice and in his research.

Within this research Hybrid Architecture and Hyper Functions constitute exploratory foci that make possible the redefinition of functionalism, and they provide for two components of the ‘theory construction’ that we are concerned with at the Institute for Architecture and Design at the University of Technology in Vienna.

Since postmodernism in architecture proved that all forms can be built anyway, since with the help of computers forms of any kind (and even so far non-existent ones) can be generated, since goals such as the unity of form-function-construction (or its derivatives like form-follows-function) have become as obsolete as the typological grounding in place and history, the theory of architecture is caught in the limes-picture of exchangeable "-isms". It does not know how to carry on.

One way out of this situation emerges through Hybrid Architecture and Hyper Functions: here the processes of morphing, merging, scaling are applied to functions; this is not only the logical continuation of applying the tools but - under the term "hybrid building" - it also becomes relevant for the pragmatics of the real estate economy. Hybrid Architecture is the ultimate renunciation of the separation of functions and the planning of determinisms, as well as of traditional object-architecture. It leads towards a process-oriented control of architecture. Hyper Functions constitute intermediality, postmediality, intertextuality, de- and re-contextualization. Hybrid Architecture and Hyper Functions are tools of the nth order.


Keywords: Architecture, Functionalism, Hybrid, Hyper, Process



Prof. Manfred Wolff-Plottegg is an Austrian architect, since 2001 head of the Institute for Building Theory and Design at the University of Technology in Vienna. Besides running his own architectural practice since 1983, he has been teaching and has given guest lectures at universities all over Europe and North America. Wolff-Plottegg took part in numerous art and architecture exhibitions. He also received several prizes such as the International Media Award for Science and Art, the Austrian Concrete Construction Prize, and the Architecture Prize of the State of Steiermark. He is the author of numerous articles in leading architectural publications and of several books including “Hybrid Architektur & Hyper Funktionen” (2007), “Architektur-Algorithmen” (1996) and “Das binäre Haus” (1989).


Vienna University of Technology, Institut für Architektur und Entwerfen, Karlsplatz 13, 1040 Wien, Austria >>> e-mail: plottegg@tuwien.ac.at



11:30-12:45       Lecturer: Professor Manfred Wolff-Plottegg

 Lecture title:      "Designing Design" (1st lecture)


This lecture traces the paradigmatic shift that is taking place on The Background of Design that resides beyond The Architect and the Rules (Saving the world & knowing better, Authenticity / Identity / Originality, Personal Taste). It neglects Architecture as Reflection, refuses The Clean & Proper Solutions as well as Specialisation and Quality Criteria. Designing Design discusses Rules for Rules, Separations, Allocations and Connections.



14:00-15:15       Lecturer: Professor Manfred Wolff-Plottegg

 Lecture title:      "Ahead of Time" (2nd lecture)


This lecture traces early developments, prototypes, references, finger exercises (Hybrid Architecture already in 1980, Typical Austrian Futon Construction, The Binary House, readme.1st, Door Stair (Stair Door). Precursors and new Phenomena analyse how functions in architecture appear Side by Side in Space or One after the other in Time and how A Different Use, A Different Place, A Different Authorship disclose possibilities out of quotidian assumptions and orders.




15:45-17:00       Lecturer: Professor Manfred Wolff-Plottegg

 Lecture title:      "Hyper-Design" (3d lecture)


This lecture provides the definition of planning methods after the theory of ´Separation of Functions´ and after ´Determinism´ in design: Transfer into the Operational Processes, Design of the nth Order, Suspension, Fragmentation, Free Interpretation, Non-sequential, Interrupt, All Inclusive, Overlappings, Abundance & Hyperactivity constitute descriptions of tools. Exemplarily, the Script for Hybrids of Actions demonstrates the shift from designing objects to designing processes, from an architecture as shape and optimized function to an architecture of flow in an open system. The offered Award for the Invention of a New Function shall encourage designers to contribute in the development and application of the new theory of Hybrid Architecture Hyper Functions.


Hybrid  Architecture & Hyper  Functions




03005 Plottegg Bügeln TU
36881 Man Ray Bügeleisen



06024 Am Bügeleisen Eierspeise kochen Elke Kronsteiner







Separation of Functions:


36803.gif Dejan Sudic Biennale


36803_b.gif (82529 Byte)

Wohnung Fu- Trennung - 36351.jpg 36238.jpg



Schedule of accomodation >> inventing forms


The ideal of pure inventing forms



36391.jpg (22824 Byte)36392.jpg (22651 Byte)

Lars Spuybroek Waterpavillon
Schumacher / Hadid ..... Latente Utopien





generating forms >>> generating functions





The background of design

The architect and the rules

Saving the world & knowing better

Authenticity / Identity / Integrity / Originality

Personal taste

Architecture as reflection

Clean & proper solutions


Quality criteria

Rules for rules






A client - an anecdote

Metarmorphosis of a city apartment

Hybrid architecture already in 1980

Typical austrian futon construction

The binary house



Architecture beyond identity and inclusion is
                 exclusion and difference from art

Precursors and new phenomena

Side by side in space

One after the other in time

A different use

A different place

A different authorship



Transfer into operational processes

Design of the nth order



Free interpretation



All inclusive


Abundance & hyperactivity

Invention of functions

Award for the invention of a new function

Script for hybrids of actions






Mies van der Rohe

Barcelona Pavillon 1929





02092b.jpg (107645 Byte)

Web of Life / Plottegg 2002 / ZKM Karlsruhe


36275.jpg (29075 Byte)            >>>>>>>         Y  =  f  ( x )

06032.jpg (38533 Byte)









Separation of functions:

optimisation / reduction / proper solution /
destilled essence / purism / minimalism






Order by separation:

building is making order / sort  ....... lines, walls


Bücherfoto Weibel - 01213.jpg

















From linear logic > > > >   non sequential overlapping

> > > >      02092b.jpg (107645 Byte)

kitchen for cooking
bed for sleeping

> > > >

cool at the pool
we do it anywhere












The influence of rules:




06006.jpg (93103 Byte)




Predominant rules ....... CHANGE

Saving the word & knowing better / improving all

Authenticity / Identity / Integrity / Originality

Personal taste

Architecture as reflection

Clean & proper solutions





Quality criteria





Rules for rules



Kamm, einhüftig, zweihüftig

Neufert Neufert

Biennale Dejan Sudic



Geteilter Teller









Die Koch´sche Kurve / coastline ..... eine variable Grenze










36870.jpg (59024 Byte)

Weibel Tischlampe

Plottegg Steinlampe



Striche für alles






the tools:

morph merge scale shift spline ..... may also be used beyond generation of forms ..... these tools may be applied for allocations and connotations as well ..... first steps towards hybrids & hyper functions













A client - an anecdote

Metarmorphosis of a city apartment

Hybrid architecture already in 1980

Typical austrian futon construction

The binary house



Architecture beyond identity and inclusion is
                 exclusion and difference from art

Precursors and new phenomena

Side by side in space

One after the other in time

A different use

A different place

A different authorship









Metarmorphosis of a city apartment






Hybrid architecture already in 1980


Hybrid Architektur Plottegg schon 1980 Kuh >>> Haus


Hybrid ´80   

Der mythologische Zwitter prophezeit die zukünftige Verschmelzung von Mensch und Möbel  


The binary house


Lustenau             The Binary House / Plottegg 1988


88016.jpg (22675 Byte)88008.jpg (39853 Byte)





Türtreppentreppentüre Trautenfels Plottegg 1992     >>>>>>>   







Typical austrian futon construction




Typical Austrian Futon Construction / Plottegg 1997   









Architecture beyond identity and inclusion is exclusion and difference from art











Precursors and new phenomena




36491 Place de la Concorde Donne nubiche

Frères Bisson: La riscoperta dell`Egitto net secolo XIX

lStudioforma Editore S 72 ©




36338 TX-Transform Reinhart & Widrich








36429 Kuhstall / Lequeu Revolutionsarchitektur: Staatliche Kunsthalle Baden-Baden 1970






06020 Kuhwickel Konrad Frey




36860 Einkaufstaschen-Gebäude Bauwelt








36811 hot dog, TAIL O´THE PUP www, Los Angeles, ca. 1938








36065 Chinesische Schriftzeichen Fisch Plottegg

36066 Umformung von Hartlauer Plottegg








36423 Las Vegas / Eiffelturm
36427 Hotel Titanica neue galerie







36421.jpg (16837 Byte)36425.gif (121064 Byte)36425.gif (121064 Byte)

36421 Venetian, Las Vegas
36425_b Venetian/ Las Vegas Guggenheim
36424 Venetian/ Las Vegas Guggenheim




36428.jpg (50150 Byte)36486.jpg (79893 Byte)

Tokyo Shiiya Korridor 36487.jpg





36479 Times Square New York webcam
36480 Sega Entertainment Centre London Büro Plottegg









36128 Pipeline Röhren Wohnung
36128b Pipeline Röhren Wohnung







06009_b.jpg (434748 Byte)

06009_b Thaumatrope Plottegg
36117 Borromini Palazzo Spada wikimedia





Side by side in space                                                                     overlapping  





36345.jpg (33709 Byte)36348.jpg (24513 Byte)

© space craft         Badewannenl-Lift - 36348.jpg




06001 Fahrrad Serbien Plottegg










One after the other in time




36670.jpg (15728 Byte)

Stewart Brand: How Buildings learn


36861.jpg (739400 Byte)36861.jpg (739400 Byte)

Detroit Michigan Theater / Garage








20220.jpg (177476 Byte)202041.jpg (104621 Byte)202041.jpg (104621 Byte)

Wasserturm / Medienturm Graz (Plottegg 2000)






A different use



36900_b Büroklammer






A different place


03016_c Bügeln gegen die Funktionstrennung Plottegg ©




84023.jpg (107490 Byte)

84023,84066, 84052 Fransen Bad Plottegg 1984





89011, 89010 Fransen Auto Plottegg1989







89016b Fransen Helm Plottegg 1989







36693.jpg (10285 Byte)

Tissue Engeneering  36693.jpg







92635 Spundwände Künstlerhaus
92206 Spundwände Wc Trautenfels Büro Plottegg







92703 Plotteggs in Graz Künstlerhaus Büro Plottegg
92713b Plotteggs in Graz Herrengasse Büro Plottegg










A different authorship



36275 Mensch Wikimedia
36120 Mythologischer Zwitter / Mensch & Möbel Bernard RUDOFSKY: Sparta /Sybaris: Keine neue Bauweise, eine neue Lebensweise tut not Residenz Verlag Salzburg / Wien 1987 ISBN: 3-7017-0501-1.
06010 Lackenschmiede in Stallhofen BDA-Fotoarchiv







36322 Skizze Subjekt Objekt Netz Plottegg
36323 Skizze Subjekt Objekt Netz Plottegg







A. Cozens  1785
 "New methods of assisting the invention in drawing of original compositions of landscape"

"To sketch is to transfer ideas from the mind to paper. To blot is to make varied spots ... producing accidental forms ... from which ideas are presented to the mind ... To sketch is to delineate ideas; blotting suggests them."

36071 Cozens 1785,Grobe Kleckse Cozens
36072 Cozens 1785,Grobe Kleckse Cozens






Arnold Schönberg, Zwölftonreihenbox, Zwölftonreihentafel, Zwölftonreihenschieber

36311 Arnold Schönberg, Zwölftonreihenbox Arnold Schönberg Center, Wien
36312 Arnold Schönberg, Zwölftonreihentafel Arnold Schönberg Center, Wien
36313c Arnold Schönberg, Zwölftonreihenschieber Arnold Schönberg Center, Wien







88008.jpg (39853 Byte)

88008 Binäres Haus Plottegg







99264a Neuronaler Architekturgenerator Plottegg
20305 Neuronaler Architekturgenerator Plottegg



36030.jpg (21835 Byte)








Hybrid  Architecture & Hyper  Functions



06026 wortschatz Signifikante rechte Nachbarn © wortschatz.uni-leipzig
06027 wortschatz Signifikante rechte Nachbarn © wortschatz.uni-leipzig





Transfer into operational processes >> Free interpretation >> Overlappings  >> Design of the nth order >> Non-sequential >> Abundance & hyperactivity >> Suspension >> Interrupt >> Invention of functions >> Fragmentation >> All inclusive




Script for hybrids of actions


Award for the invention of a new function